The Climate of Sport
Welcome to the The Climate of Sport podcast! In our new "Ask Me Anything" series, we are getting you answers on anything sport, sustainability, climate change, biodiversity or environmental justice related. Guided by host Claire Poole and her global network of industry leaders, tune in each week for your source of information and informed optimism. Subscribe and download now! You can join the conversation by submitting your question to hello@theclimateofsport.com, our website www.sportpositive.org/podcast or via our socials. #TheClimateOfSportAMA #TheClimateOfSport #SportPositive
The Climate of Sport
with guests, Tom Barnard and Keith Davidson
Join Claire as she speaks with legal experts on the legal, regulatory, risk, commercial, financial and legislative impacts for sports not taking the appropriate action when it comes to climate, sustainability and the environment.
Tom Barnard and Keith Davidson, both Partners at UK-based law firm, Irwin Mitchell respectively give commerical litigation and environmental advice to sports across all of these areas.
An episode to listen to, and share widely with your commercial, legal and risk teams. One not to miss.
Some of the legislation and a report mentioned that you might wish to look up:
- Nielsen Trust in Advertising report reference: https://www.nielsen.com/insights/2022/sports-sponsorships-are-raising-more-than-just-brand-awareness/
- 2022 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (mandatory ESG reporting and includes scope 3 emissions): https://www.cdsb.net/what-we-do/policy-work/eu-sustainability-reporting
- 2022 Proposal for Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (human rights and environmental due diligence on own operations and value chain): https://commission.europa.eu/business-economy-euro/doing-business-eu/corporate-sustainability-due-diligence_en
- 2023 International Sustainability Standards Board launched IFRS S1 sustainability accounting standard and IFRS S2 climate-related disclosures (includes scope 3 emissions): https://www.ifrs.org/projects/completed-projects/2023/general-sustainability-related-disclosures/